The Law of One - Part 2


In Part 1, we explored the profound principles of The Law of One that guides us towards unity, compassion, and interconnectedness.

Now, let's delve deeper into two significant aspects: The Inner Christos and Emerald Founder Records.

The Law of One expresses and acknowledges the interconnection, value, and interdependence of the spirit and Consciousness that animates within all things.

Imagine yourself not just as a physical body but as a multi-dimensional being, an avatar of consciousness here to turn energy into experimental form.

Thus, this is the promise of the Emerald Covenant gifted to humanity to achieve planetary liberation and the ascending path of the Cosmic Founders for complete spiritual freedom from reincarnation cycles.

Christos Mission: The term Christ or Christos used here refers not to the individual Jesus Christ as in world religions but to the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, given to a free Cosmic Citizen.

Inner Christos: The Inner Christos is the personal divine blueprint of the eternal God Source consciousness energy from which all things manifest. The Law of One governs this eternal divine blueprint and consciousness energy, interchangeable and based on the true knowing of our highest expression - our direct relationship with God Source expressed through our Inner Christos or Living God Spirit. This ancient spiritual wisdom of the Inner Christos was common knowledge until the dark ages following the Atlantian Cataclysm.

Guardian Alliance and Emerald Founder Records: The Guardian Alliance, directed by the Elohim Emerald Order Breneau, supports the Guardians incarnated on Earth from the Christos Founder Races.

These incarnates are called, Star-seeds, rainbow children, or Indigos. They incarnated to restore the Emerald Covenant or Christos reclamation here on Earth.
They naturally raise the vibration of the collective through their DNA and energetic signature, and become the way showers on the path back to ASCENSION through the LAW OF ONE.

The Emerald Founder Records, also known as the Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates, were the principal spiritual teachings in ancient times and contain explicit knowledge about the origins, genetics and purpose of the human race, which included historical timeline accounts of Galactic history considered to be the divine birthright of all angelic humans.

The Emerald Founder Records included explicit ancient wisdom teachings on the unifying principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, in which humans were directly taught how to spiritually activate their light body through consciousness training methods, so they could achieve full liberation as a Cosmic Christos.

Emerald Covenant: The Emerald Covenant supports the Paliadorian Covenant, ensuring angelic humanity's eventual ascension back to their original spiritual home, in our full 12 strand DNA form. The return of the Emerald Order heralds the next stage activation during the Electrical Peak cycle, reviving the Emerald Crystal Heart in the Earth.

Krystal Star and Ascension: The Krystal Star teachings of the Law of One describe Universal Laws governing spiritual Ascension. This ends the Consumptive Modeling of parasitism and alien hybridization, equalizing the Law of Cause and Effect for all beings in our Universal system. The Morphogenetic Field structure has been coded to anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence into the planetary brain or Planetary Logos, rehabilitating the damaged Planetary Grid Network.

The Law of One and its related concepts like the Inner Christos and Emerald Founder Records offer a profound understanding of universal unity, spiritual evolution, and the journey towards planetary liberation and ascension.


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Credit To: This blog was created from information found on the website of Lisa Renee: and the miraculous and marvelous, which she created. If you found this blog interesting, please head over to Lisa’s site for more!

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