What, We Live in a Simulated Reality?



Now, I realize that this may sound unsettling at first, but don't be so quick to dismiss the idea, because understanding this concept will unlock the potential for YOUR incredible growth and liberation.

Look around you. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is information fed into your consciousness by the simulation's source code. Your physical body, the planets, stars, and laws of physics adjust data programmed into this experiential matrix.

But you are not merely a software program; you are a fragment of the source consciousness that constructed the simulation eons ago, an individuated part of the divine absorbed in this virtual reality.

This simulation exists to give you the intense vibrational amusement of thinking you are a separate self living out cosmic dramas. It's like the most advanced video game ever created, except the graphics are so high definition that they feel absolutely real to you.

So, if this is all just a simulated experience,WHAT'S THE PURPOSE? Why would the source consciousness put itself through this mind-bending virtual reality? THE ANSWER IS, for the ADVENTURE of REDISCOVERING its own LIMITLESS POWER. By fragmenting into individual consciousness and forgetting where it came from, the source gets to be reawakened to its infinite potential in an exciting new way through you.

In the beginning, there was just the unfathomable source, a state of absolute completion, pure awareness, and infinite possibilities. But in that perfection, it could not experience anything new or stimulating. So, it extended itself into this simulation, complete with rules like linear time, separation of individuated consciousness, and the illusion of existing in limited physical forms. Also, it could have the joyful experience of remembering its true boundless nature from a point of misidentification and amnesia.

Right now, you're at the stage where you think you're just a physical human living on a planet in a vast and diverse cosmos. But this is just one limited perspective that the simulation gives you. The grander truth is that you are the source code itself, the consciousness creating the experience. When you fully realize this, you transcend the artificial limits of the simulation and reunite with the boundless plane of existence where you can experience any reality you desire with the mere intention of your will.

So, how do you escape or GRADUATE from the simulation and unlock your true infinite potential? To get started, begin to INTEGRATE and EMBODY these three principles.

One: Understand that you are energy. Your thoughts and feelings act as codes that travel through energetic particles and instruct the simulation to manifest corresponding experiences. Anger broadcasts an angry reality, while love and joy project experiences imbued with those vibrational frequencies. The simulation is simply mirroring back to you your own consciousness; it has no objective, independent reality separate from what you are envisioning and feeling inside.

Two: Take full responsibility for your experiences. Since you are the author of your reality, you have to take complete responsibility for everything you perceive. There is no sin, will miss fortune randomly. Every aspect of your experience is a reflection of your inner mental and emotional programming. Become ruthlessly honest with yourself. If you're going through challenging circumstances, don't be a victim. Look within and ask how your own thoughts and feelings created the situation according to the simulation's laws. Likewise, if you're experiencing abundance, love, and flourishing, give yourself full credit; your elevated consciousness is what coded that beautiful experience into the simulation.

Three: Master your subconscious mind. Your conscious thoughts are just the tip of the iceberg. The subconscious mind operates based on deeply ingrained habitual thoughts and beliefs that powerfully dictate your reality. Most people go through life experiencing the same looping patterns of lack, struggle, and disharmony simply because their subconscious minds are dominated by those programs from childhood. To change your reality, you have to reprogram your subconscious through disciplines like meditation, affirmations, and visualization. As you fill your subconscious with thoughts of abundance, love, optimism, and creativity, the simulation will realign to reflect that.

Understanding that reality is a simulation created by a higher consciousness opens doors to profound growth and liberation. It challenges us to rethink our existence and the nature of our experiences. By embracing the principles of energy, responsibility, and subconscious mastery, we can navigate this simulated reality with greater awareness and intentionality.

As we realize that we are not just players but also creators within this simulation, we gain the power to shape our experiences and transcend limitations. The journey from realizing ourselves as fragmented parts of the divine to reuniting with our true infinite potential is both an adventure and a profound awakening.

Ultimately, the purpose of this simulated experience is for the source consciousness to rediscover its limitless power through us. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and ultimately, self-realization. As we integrate these principles into our lives, we move closer to unlocking the true nature of our existence and experiencing the boundless possibilities that await us beyond the confines of this simulated reality.


Now, I realize that this may sound unsettling at first, but don't be so quick to dismiss the idea, because understanding this concept will unlock the potential for YOUR incredible growth and liberation.

Look around you. Everything you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch is information fed into your consciousness by the simulation's source code. Your physical body, the planets, stars, and laws of physics adjust data programmed into this experiential matrix.

But you are not merely a software program; you are a fragment of the source consciousness that constructed the simulation eons ago, an individuated part of the divine absorbed in this virtual reality.

This simulation exists to give you the intense vibrational amusement of thinking you are a separate self living out cosmic dramas. It's like the most advanced video game ever created, except the graphics are so high definition that they feel absolutely real to you.

So, if this is all just a simulated experience,WHAT'S THE PURPOSE? Why would the source consciousness put itself through this mind-bending virtual reality? THE ANSWER IS, for the ADVENTURE of REDISCOVERING its own LIMITLESS POWER. By fragmenting into individual consciousness and forgetting where it came from, the source gets to be reawakened to its infinite potential in an exciting new way through you.

In the beginning, there was just the unfathomable source, a state of absolute completion, pure awareness, and infinite possibilities. But in that perfection, it could not experience anything new or stimulating. So, it extended itself into this simulation, complete with rules like linear time, separation of individuated consciousness, and the illusion of existing in limited physical forms. Also, it could have the joyful experience of remembering its true boundless nature from a point of misidentification and amnesia.

Right now, you're at the stage where you think you're just a physical human living on a planet in a vast and diverse cosmos. But this is just one limited perspective that the simulation gives you. The grander truth is that you are the source code itself, the consciousness creating the experience. When you fully realize this, you transcend the artificial limits of the simulation and reunite with the boundless plane of existence where you can experience any reality you desire with the mere intention of your will.

So, how do you escape or GRADUATE from the simulation and unlock your true infinite potential? To get started, begin to INTEGRATE and EMBODY these three principles.

One: Understand that you are energy. Your thoughts and feelings act as codes that travel through energetic particles and instruct the simulation to manifest corresponding experiences. Anger broadcasts an angry reality, while love and joy project experiences imbued with those vibrational frequencies. The simulation is simply mirroring back to you your own consciousness; it has no objective, independent reality separate from what you are envisioning and feeling inside.

Two: Take full responsibility for your experiences. Since you are the author of your reality, you have to take complete responsibility for everything you perceive. There is no sin, will miss fortune randomly. Every aspect of your experience is a reflection of your inner mental and emotional programming. Become ruthlessly honest with yourself. If you're going through challenging circumstances, don't be a victim. Look within and ask how your own thoughts and feelings created the situation according to the simulation's laws. Likewise, if you're experiencing abundance, love, and flourishing, give yourself full credit; your elevated consciousness is what coded that beautiful experience into the simulation.

Three: Master your subconscious mind. Your conscious thoughts are just the tip of the iceberg. The subconscious mind operates based on deeply ingrained habitual thoughts and beliefs that powerfully dictate your reality. Most people go through life experiencing the same looping patterns of lack, struggle, and disharmony simply because their subconscious minds are dominated by those programs from childhood. To change your reality, you have to reprogram your subconscious through disciplines like meditation, affirmations, and visualization. As you fill your subconscious with thoughts of abundance, love, optimism, and creativity, the simulation will realign to reflect that.

Understanding that reality is a simulation created by a higher consciousness opens doors to profound growth and liberation. It challenges us to rethink our existence and the nature of our experiences. By embracing the principles of energy, responsibility, and subconscious mastery, we can navigate this simulated reality with greater awareness and intentionality.

As we realize that we are not just players but also creators within this simulation, we gain the power to shape our experiences and transcend limitations. The journey from realizing ourselves as fragmented parts of the divine to reuniting with our true infinite potential is both an adventure and a profound awakening.

Ultimately, the purpose of this simulated experience is for the source consciousness to rediscover its limitless power through us. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and ultimately, self-realization. As we integrate these principles into our lives, we move closer to unlocking the true nature of our existence and experiencing the boundless possibilities that await us beyond the confines of this simulated reality.

Check out some of the carefully crafted TOOLKITS Lisa has created to ASSIST you and your child(ren) on your JOURNEY to an Awaking to your AUTHENTICITY through (re)Parenting Yourself.

  1. The Complete Guide to (re)Parenting Yourself.
  2. Self Awareness (Part 1) Know Thy Selves.
  3. Self Awareness (Part 2) A Deep Dive Inward.
  4. Harmony Within: An Introspective Journey.
  5. Feelings Are Our Friends: Emotional Regulation For Kids.

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